Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Pop Star Bigots

While the world turns, the news of the day grows more and more alarming. Britain draws down its troops in Iraq; we've unwittingly joined the Axis of Evil. And scariest of all... the roots of Britney Spears' and K-Fed's recent split lies not at the feet of Mr. Federline's alleged irresponibility or the success/failure in music, but rather Ms. Spears white supremicist leanings.

I'll admit that my case for Ms. Spears bigotry lacks the ironclad backup that the Aguilera/Hot Dog story has; what with multiple internet sources and whatnot. Never the less, I believe the evidence supports my thesis. First, Ms. Spears most recent ex-husband recently (geologically anyways) kicked off a career as a hip hop artist with a much ballyhooed tour and album. While hip hop enjoys near universal popularity across ethnicities, class, and increasingly age, it was not always so. Hip hop's origin in the black community is well documented and need not suffer a rehashing on this blog. Based on the timing of Mr. Federline's album release and Ms. Spears'
subsequent dumping of Mr. Federline and head shaving/tatooing only one conclusion is reasonable. Clearly, bitterness over her ex-husband's chosen vocation, and default association, pushed her to shave her head, thus revealing her true beliefs - the superiority of whites. She also inked up, with tattoos of red and pink lips. I'm not entirely certain, but I'm researching the origin of these tattoos. I theorize, initially at least, that red/pink lips are some sort of prison tattoo bourne by the Aryan Brotherhood or some other similar fraternity of criminal elements. While the rest of America (save the deep south) and this Soulless Bureaucrat stand in judgement Ms. Spears, and ironically Bobby Brown, would sing, "it's my perogotive!"


Kevin Brown said...

I heard her ink is a botched reference to the Kaballah. Can you confirm or deny this?

Please feel free to use the spellcheck liberally.

Soulless Bureaucrat said...

I can neither confirm nor deny the Kaballahic-origins of her tattoos. If they are, it may get her hurt by her Aryan brothers. Either that or it, along with the pink/black/white cross tattoo and Star of David medallion she wore the evening of the inking point to an ongoing identity crisis. From what I can gather, identity crisis during young adulthood can frequently lead to association with fringe groups.

My case for her joining the Aryan Brotherhood is strengthend...

100YearsOfTrash said...

i saw britney moonstomping at the national front disco.