Friday, February 23, 2007

Lifecycle of an American Bureaucrat

First Deep Throat, now the Lifecycle of an American Rock and Roll Band (LARRB), a regionally-renowned blog, broke the news that I, the Soulless Bureaucrat, am a primary source for Fox News. When not citing me anonymously, they derive much material from my incompetence. I try to conceal my influence on the liberal media, but thanks to LARRB my secret's out. So, a big shout out to Bill O'Reilly and our boy Sean Hannity (proving to everyone that dropouts can accomplish stuff... and things - perhaps his fans will cajole him to volunteer with at-risk youth and give them hope). I'll keep not doing my job so Fox News can do theirs...

Jumping into the way back machine, a colleague - a bureaucrat in possession of copious amounts of soul - suggests that the roots of Britney's headshaving lay in a desire to avoid drug testing. And, with the prevalence of Brazilian waxing, the head represents the final frontier. Less likely, but far more compelling, the transsexual pop-star paradox - a titillating theory advanced by another Soulful Bureaucrat - postulates a transsexual angle. According to this theory, while Britney "is not a girl," she is also "not yet a woman." As such, the new 'do pays homage to her vestigial genitalia.

Here's a riddle...

What does K-Fed have in common with a chimpanzee?

They both use spears


100YearsOfTrash said...

your threat to "postulate a transsexual", and your invocation of "spears", expose you as both a homophobe and a racist!

this, only days after a post idicting "pop star bigots." oh, the hipocracy.

have you not heard what is said about bureaucrats who work in glass cubicles? shame on you, soullessbureaucrat!

Soulless Bureaucrat said...

Not all bureaucrats work in cubicles. Some work in offices with walls and doors. And some bureaucrats work in pens, which I consider bull.