Monday, February 12, 2007

The Rockin'est Rock and/or Roll Band

Thursday February 22nd at 8pm the next U2 plays DC9. Well, maybe not the next U2, but the first Fed. Be there or be even more square than you typically are.Check out a primitive recording at the Sherman Ave studios, the hottest Sherman-related event since the burning of Atlanta.

On a related note, I received confirmation that Christina Aguilera indeed reeks of hotdogs, at least in middle school. A friend of my brother's, who incidentally has a tatoo of Johnny Cash that looks like Andrew Johnson, had a friend Sara that went to middle school with Miss Aguilera. He confirms that she smells of lunchmeat. What is unclear is whether this odor was related to an unwashed lunchbox or a heritable condition.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good words.